May I Be Patient
May I Be Enchanted
May I Feel Powerful
May I Live In Peace
Archangel Raphael, like the calm of the woodland spring, exists as an exquisite HOLY HEALER bringing our beings to commune with Mother Earth. This richens our journey through the knowledge of interconnectivity, empathy and oneness, bringing all aspects of our lives back into harmony as we embark on our soul’s odyssey.
Raphael draws healing and cleansing to us wherever we may be, and so this Archangel is key is to foster the joyous evolution of planetary existence – stimulating the life of our being, the planet, and the Cosmos. Thence allowing Gods plan to be brought forth.
Calling on Raphael in all situations when healing is required, brings an open-ness to our Heart Chakra and the strength of the planet Orion to move through us.
The following questions will draw the nature of RAPHAEL’S energy deep within you: