is the key
to a new life, new love,
and new laughter!
Imagine Sonic Rituals in the sacred Temples and Tombs along the Nile, from Aswan to the Great Pyramid of Giza.
For these supernal sanctuaries radiate such powerful energies, that each Chakra will be refined, sending light to every cell, and inspiring your whole being.
We will find the ancient codes of each Temple are awakened by sound, illuminating the conviction of our souls as we shape a way of living full of love and joy.
For these are the same soul spots where the Pharaohs and Priests performed initiations to experience their own Divine communion between heaven and earth.
This ‘virtual retreat’ means that we can move swiftly over the hundreds of miles that it would take to travel from Luxor (our usual Retreat Center) to reach all the significant Temples throughout Egypt. Luxor sits on the banks of the River Nile, which extends four thousand miles in a north-south trajectory with its current south-north flow, with the famous City of Light lying approximately half-way between Cairo in the North and Aswan in the South. Luxor is home to the mystical Temple of Karnak, the extraordinary Temple of Luxor, and the infamous Valley of the Kings, as well as many other minor Temples or Chapels.
The principle Star Temples we will visit are all sacred astro-geographical soul spots designed to ground the core elements of our Spirit into Flesh, for we are spiritual light forces that desire to suffuse with the physicality of the human body, to form another aspect of cosmic creativity full of love, full of joy, full of creativity………this is our seeding and this is our calling!
THE TEMPLE OF ISIS is constructed on the island of Philae in the middle of the Nile near Aswan – the city of merchants – and this is where Mother Goddess Isis lives, pulsing her wonderful unconditional love into the world. Her Temple itself is over-lit by the galactic Blue Planet Sirius, the brightest star in our Galaxy, which points to a significance about Isis that we will pick up as we odyssey!
The Temple is also overshone by the governing love of the great ARCHANGEL SANDALPHON – Sandalphon is the Angel Guardian of the planet and thus over-lights our physical presence guiding us to adjust to the finite changes within the flow of both the Planet and the Universe. Sandalphon teaches us to be easy with our evolution, providing us with reassurance, stillness, and the delight of cherishing our bodies.
Being within this exquisite Temple full of the love of Isis the Mother, we will be connected with the core energies of our Base Chakra, the first of the Seven Seals. This Chakra governs the awareness, sensory intelligence and flow of our IDENTITY – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
In brief this Chakra functions so that we may live out our identity, creativity and power, it roots us into the planet’s energies, so that when problems of instability or insecurity arise, we recognize how our perception of gravity has changed which creates the core instability in our identity. If not aligned, we then pour our unsureness into our primary relationships via projection.
Being in this exquisite Temple means we are surrounded by the rays of Mother Love in her purity, and so we may ask Isis to lovingly guide the core ‘base’ energies of our lives, so that if anything disturbs our identity, or the way we open to pathways of intimacy, that bring the grounding ourselves into the world, Isis will always help us heal:
All these possibilities and more will be explored whilst we engage in this Temple of Healing, as Stewart leads us through a wonderful SONIC RITUAL MEDITATION to evoke the supreme energies of Isis – for love, healing, expansive creativity and comfort. Then your energy field will be drenched by the supernal force of Isis and Archangel Sandalphon who will create a celestial nectar that will relocate you into your Base Chakra energy for full expression.
Finally, we must then decide what we wish to offer in gratitude to ISIS & Sandalphon, in rich thanks for their amazing unconditional love in our lives.
THE TEMPLE OF HORUS is the planetary home of the son beget by the great King-God Osiris and the beautiful Queen-Goddess Isis. Horus was a Christed being and is favorably known as the Falcon headed God who offers intuitive and interpretative energies that open our deeper knowing of life and death.
Legends suggests that the left eye of Horus (also known as the eye of Thoth) is related to the Moon or Feminine energy offering great protection from foul or evil forces. A symbol of this eye was worn in life and death by each Pharaoh as the High Priest of Egypt. Whereas the right Eye of Horus is regarded as the vision of the all-seeing nature of AMUN – RA the Sun God, evoking creative excellence and great fortune!
The rich mythology of Ancient Egypt tells that Horus fought and vanquished his uncle Set, the God of War, avenging the murder of his father Osiris who had been killed by the ravaging jealousy of his own brother Seth. When dead Seth cut his brother into thirteen pieces and strew these all over Egypt. However, in deep lamentation Isis collected many pieces of her lover’s body except his phallus, which had been swallowed by a fish. Undeterred Isis fashioned a golden phallus, impregnated herself, and magically gave birth to Horus, showing how we can bring forth the glory of our creativity by marrying the yin and yang, the Divine Female & Male within.
Horus was the protector of the royal households of Egypt, avenger of wrongs, defender of order, and uniter of the two lands that were disunited through the wrongdoings of Seth. Indeed, the battle of Horus and Seth is depicted on one of the outer walls of the Temple at Edfu – as is the entire story of the Atlantean colonization of Ancient Egypt by the great High Priest Thoth. As the harbinger of light the planet most connected with Horus is Saturn.
Being in this wonderful temple connects us with the energies of our Second Chakra, the second of the Seven Seals, which governs the awareness, sensations and energy flow in regard to our RELATIONSHIP processes – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually – in brief this Chakra functions to help us live out our relationship trajectories..
Visiting this exquisite Temple means we can ask Horus to oversee the energies of our lives to deduce if any conflict is held concerning our relationship with Weight, Space and Time, with our intimate others, people in general, or in the way we relate to God as a reflection of the purest element within ourselves.
In this investigation Horus will help us to heal imbalances to do with:
After revelations about the second chakra’s energy and effect when healing needs are identified, Stewart will lead a wonderful SONIC RITUAL MEDITATION to evoke the supreme energies of Horus for love, healing and creative flow. For your energy field to be drenched with the supernal force of ARCHANGEL URIEL the Eternal Companion from the Angelic Communion of the Twelve Angels of Atlantis. Uriel and Horus will offer light to locate you into your Sacrum Chakra for relationship success.
Finally, we must then decide what we wish to offer in gratitude to HORUS and URIEL, in rich thanks for his amazing clarity over our lives.
The wondrous TEMPLE OF LUXOR lies on the east bank of the Nile, and is known by legend as the Temple of Man. The ground plan of the temple magically mirrors the shape of the human form, and therefore as one walks through the Temple specific points within the architecture and ground trigger our Chakras to open, absorbing the unique energies of this holy space, which encourage us to flourish within our core strengths and sovereignty. In ancient times this Temple was where most of the Egyptian Pharaohs were crowned, and so it is steeped in the might of Pharaohs such the renowned Amenhotep 111, Tutankhamun, and Ramses 11.
Being within the Temple of Luxor connects us with the energies of the Third Chakra, the third of the Seven Seals, which governs the awareness, sensations and flow of our WILLFUL process – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually – in brief this Chakra functions to help us develop the bravery, courage, determination and steadfastness that we need to open our creative pathway in life.
In this investigation, the spirit of the Pharaohs will help us to heal imbalances to do with:
After healing revelations concerning your third chakra energy, Stewart will lead a deep SONIC RITUAL MEDITATION to evoke the supreme energies of healing and comfort within your energy field, so that you may be drenched with the supernal force of ARCHANGEL HANAEL the Sacred Warrior Angel. Hanael defines the energy of your will, bravery, courage, resilience and steadfastness, releasing any part of your life where a loss of will has taken place.
Finally, we must then decide what we wish to offer in gratitude to the spirit of the Pharaohs, in rich thanks for his amazing clarity over our lives.
The TEMPLE OF DENDERA is the home of Hathor the Goddess of Love, Beauty, Dance, Music, the beloved consort of Horus. Hathor’s beautiful Temple home lies a hundred miles north of Luxor. This temple is a center for the converging of powerful Ley Lines and is an astro-geographical epicenter overshone by the planet Venus – a magnetic channel for the love of the Galaxy. Hathor’s remarkable Temple is also governed by ARCHANGEL ZAPHKIEL the Angel of Sacred love, who teaches us compassion, surrender, ecstasy, euphoria and delight.
Not surprisingly being within this Temple opens the Heart Chakra, allowing us true recognition of our SELF-KNOWING, or on the other hand where doubt sits within us, regarding a lack of self-love. Handing over the difficulties we experience in our loving propensities to Isis means she will immediately provide us with the loving aid that is required to excel, so that we may feel ourselves as reflections of the Divine, and that from love were we created.
The Fourth Chakra, the fourth of the Seven Seals, governs the awareness, sensations and flow of process – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually – that harbors our feelings of love, inclusivity, care, compassion and joy that we need to open our creative pathways throughout life.
Similarly, Hathor with her exquisite love wishes that we probe or investigate where we feel spirit is demanding a greater open-ness in our loving propensities. Hathor’s rich love for Horus means that she learned a penetrative ability to help us to heal imbalances to do with:
After healing revelations concerning your fourth Chakra, Stewart will lead a deep SONIC RITUAL MEDITATION to evoke the supreme energies of healing and comfort within your energy field, so that you may be drenched with the supernal force of HATHOR and ARCHANGEL ZAPHKIEL, who can redefine the energy of your heart and loving propensities, releasing any part of your life where a lack of love lives.
Finally, we must then decide what we wish to offer in gratitude to HATHOR and ZAPHKIEL, in rich thanks for his amazing clarity over our lives.
The TEMPLE OF ABYDOS was created by Seti 1 in approximately 1300BC. Seti was the High Priest-Wizard father of Ramses 11 and the temple is considered to be the mystical heart of ancient Egypt. Like the Temple of Horus this was a center for the training of the Priesthood, and it is steeped in the prayers, chants and devotional rituals of the ancient ones, who built their entire faith around the purification of the soul on earth and in heaven, sio that easy passage could be found into paradise or Zeb Tepi.
Close to Seti’s Temple is the powerful ancient site of the Osirion considered to be a place of extraordinary power in the sacred life of the people of Egypt. When Seth argued and slaughtered Osiris, cutting his body into thirteen pieces, legend suggests the head of Osiris was placed in the Osirion. It is from this significance and other mythology legends have grown, particularly in relation the fact that water appears in the Osirion without apparent cause. This is the architecture where the fabled FLOWER OF LIFE is branded onto the granite walls of the Temple.
Overshone by a number of leading planets including mercury, we will experience how our Throat Chakra’s are stimulated by the vibrations of this Temple. The Fifth Chakra is responsible for all acts concerning self-expression and so if we can’t find our voice in the world, it is here that we must look for it.
This is the fifth Seal in the Ancient Egyptian lore governing the awareness, sensations and flow process – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually – of the expression of yourself, your truth, your purpose in life, and it is intensely linked with your creativity, through the expression and projection of your authenticity, communicability, and intuition. There is an esoteric belief which suggests that the Throat is the entry and leaving point for the soul…………….
After healing revelations concerning your fifth Chakra, Stewart will lead a deep SONIC RITUAL MEDITATION to evoke the supreme energies of healing and comfort within your energy field, so that you may be drenched with the supernal force of ARCHANGEL GABRIEL the Divine Messenger and the spirit of Abydos, both of which will redefine the energy of your throat, and the power of communication, releasing any part of your life where a lack of expression lies.
Then in turn lets finally decide what you would like to offer to the spirit of Abydos, Seti 1 and Gabriel.
The TEMPLE OF KARNAK is known as the Temple of Constant Creation and it’s the largest Temple complex in Egypt. Created by each successive dynasty from 2000 to 330BC, and thirty principle Pharaohs added layer upon layer of sacred architecture in holy appreciation of the great God Amun-Ra.
Within the heart of the Temple is the Great Hypostyle Hall consisting of 134 sandstone columns shaped as papyrus, some of which are 25 meters tall, and this area is mystically known as the Garden of Amun, extending over fifty meters of surface area.
The Garden mirrors the fact that it is believed Amun arose from the waters of chaos at the beginning of creation through a field of papyrus, and so favored this beautiful lustrous architecture, where divine prayers, sacred songs and mystical rituals were constantly reverberating. It is believed that Amun’s spirit still walks within this garden, amiable chatting to each of person who seeks devotion and spiritual succor.
Amun-Ra was originally known simply as Ra, being recognized as the supreme God of the Sun. Not only did he create himself but was the creator of the entire universe. Ra was known to have such power that he ruled supreme over all the creative principles, even to the point where he ejaculated into his own hand, placed the seed in his mouth and brought forth Shu and Tefnet, both daughter and son who shared the same soul.
RA then manifested his might through a succession of other beings whom he beget as Shu and Tefnet. In turn they gave birth to Geb the God of the Earth and Nut the Goddess of the Sky. The children that then came forth were Seth, Osiris, Isis and Nephthys – the latter being the Goddess of Magic.
Then came SEKHMET and her consort PTAH, and these two Gods will be the focus of our specific veneration as they represent the two different aspects of the creative principle within we humans – Sekhmet the Lion headed Goddess symbolizes Purification through destruction, and Ptah the God of Craftsmen brings forth Construction into creation. These two beings are particularly wonderful for guiding our journey through life, death and resurrection. For the evolution of the brave new world we wish to create in 2021 and beyond.
With these two aspects to focus on within this Temple the third eye or Ajna – the sixth Chakra – located in the center of your forehead is activated. This Seal represents the power of your intuition to open fields of great perception, inner seeing, and psychic manifestation. At core when this Chakra flourishes it provides us with greater objectivity in all of our choices between the seen and unseen worlds.
After healing revelations concerning your Sixth Chakra, Stewart will lead a deep SONIC RITUAL MEDITATION to evoke the supreme energies of healing and comfort within your energy field. So that you may be drenched with the supernal force of ARCHANGEL RAZIEL – the Angel of the Mysteries, who will redefine the energy of your Seership, and the power of how these energies affect your life’s creativity.
Then in turn lets finally decide what you would like to offer to the spirit of the Temple of Amun, Ptah and Sekhmet.
The GREAT PYRAMID was once referred to as the seventh wonder of the World and it certainly is one of the most awe-inspiring experiences to stand beneath its majesty, as it is to enter its awe filled mystery. I’ve visited the Pyramid hundreds of times over the fifty years of my intense devotion and dedication with sacred Egypt, and it is my absolute pleasure to take you there today.
The Great Pyramid, otherwise known as the Temple of Khufu or Cheops (one of the great rulers of the early kingdom of the Pharaohs), is the oldest and tallest of the three pyramids that tower over the Giza plateau. It was constructed thousands of years ago during the end times of Atlantis, and yet posited by contemporary Egyptology as raised between 2551–2528 BC. The Pyramid originally stood at 147 meters, about 45 stories, and its immense size makes it a marvel to behold, with its two smaller siblings nearby – the Pyramid of Khafre and Menkaure.
The Great Pyramid is a vast mass of stone, in fact 2.3 million blocks of cut limestone is the approximate number that makes up the Great Pyramid, and originally all three pyramids would have had a casing of gleaming white limestone, allowing them to shimmer under the light of the desert Sun – so they were known during antiquity as the Lanterns of the Desert.
Much of the wisdom that was housed in the Great Pyramid as a Temple of Initiation has been lost, and current Egyptology points to it as a Tomb for the King – a suggestion that misleads. My sense is that the principle chamber of the Pyramid THE KINGS CHAMBER was used as an activating chamber for the OSIRIFICATION PROCESS. This we know in our contemporary spiritual disciplines as the Kundalini Arousal Activation, when the coiled serpent in the base of the spine is activated.
On high days and holy days this particular process was used by the Pharaohs as High Priests to enlighten their BA or Soul, for when the stars were positioned at certain coordinates they would enlighten the capstone of the Pyramid which was burnished in pure gold, and their light would pour through shafts built into the walls of the Pyramid.
The BA is the essence of the ‘I AM PRESENCE’ made manifest in human form, which mirrors the sacred energy of the soul. This union signifies divine marriage as the joy of the human heart joining with the love of the celestial soul, and each time this occurs human discernment unifies with divine reasoning.
The ‘I AM PRESENCE’ evokes the principle of God’s essence emerging from Heaven and revealing celestial form in each one of us. For we are each in direct relationship with God, for He has placed a portion of Himself within us. This portion is a vibrant mixture of our unconditional love and inestimable joy, where the vital element of the ‘I AM’ coda celebrates the meeting between eternity, linear time in flesh and the meeting presence of the holy instant. Therefore, living fully in the present, living completely in the presence of the ‘I AM’ means there is simply no place for the trappings of the ego laboring itself by striving through time. God lives within us, and in each moment gives sway to the fact that the past and future are nowhere, except in our minds. Therefore, God gives us all wisdom of NOW!”
The PYRAMIDS at Giza Cairo are three of the most powerful portals on our planet for the Human Ascension Vehicle and are aligned with planetary coordinates that are unique star trajectories in the Galaxy, grounding within the Earth unique forces that opened our human relationship with other extra-terrestrial beings. The belt of Orion, Sirius and Mercury directly overlight the three…………..
The Great Pyramid represents the BA of the King God of Paradise – Osiris.
The Second Pyramid represents the BA of the Queen Goddess of Heaven – Isis
The Third Pyramid represents the BA of their son the God Horus
And the Sphinx is the guardian protector of Giza, which specifically arose as a formation of Anubis (the God of the Dead) in order to protect both the Osiris and Isis energies.
The Pharaoh as a spiritual initiate was thought of as an anointed one – a pre-ordained incarnation of the Divine in Human form – and would be taken by his Priests to the Giza Plateau, in particular to the Great Pyramid on certain highly auspicious astrological occasions. He would then be led into the Well of the Great Pyramid, where he would meet all his fears, and through alchemy release those forebodings.
Then he would rise to the Queens Chamber where harmonic healing would be given by the High Priestesses, at which point he would then rise to the Kings Chamber, and in this hallowed chamber he would transit into the initiation of the Christ Consciousness of the Galaxy. This occurred by the Pharaoh lying within the stone sarcophagus, communing with the planetary constellations that align with the portals within the Kings Chamber, whilst being in the presence of the Ahku or the Shining Ones.
The Pharaoh would then be taken into the Pyramid of Isis for connection with the womb of the world, and through higher consciousness meditations would transmute the collective karma of the world, whilst being spiritually held by twelve Priestesses who were specifically trained to heal the collective crises of the world within their wombs, as ancient these magical rites were used for collective healing and rebirth.
Finally, the Pharaoh initiate would be taken to the Horus Temple, the third Pyramid, for rites and meditations which enabled an aspect of the Divine Child within Horus, born of the marriage between Isis and Osiris, to be opened and sanctified as the Divine Child of the Homo Luminous – the next stage of evolution for human beings. These processes allowed Christos energies to cascade through the pure one, creating a powerful ignition between the meeting of the BA and the KA into the two further light bodies to be awakened by the Angels, namely the SAHU and the AKHU, completing the final stages of the Keys to Paradise.
So within the ritual of the Kings Chamber we will open the CROWN CHAKRA for your very refined connection with spirit, and by lying in the Sarcophagus of this chamber you will be encouraged to die to the old self (your old ways of being) and to resurrect to the Divine Blueprint of your Soul (which is the purest notion of you). At core when this Chakra opens it provides us with greater discernment in all of our choices between the seen and unseen worlds.
After healing revelations concerning your Seventh Chakra, Stewart will lead a deep SONIC RITUAL MEDITATION to evoke the supreme energies of healing and comfort within your energy field. So that you may be drenched with the supernal force of ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, who will redefine the energy of your Seership, and the power of how these energies affect your life’s creativity.
Then in turn lets finally decide what you would like to offer to the spirit of the Pyramid and all its Divine Beings
The TEMPLE OF KARNAK in Luxor is directly built along a solar axis, and at dawn on the Winter Solstice – December 21st – the sun rises in direct alignment with the triumphal East Gate of the Temple, pouring into the most sacred part, the sanctuary of the Holy of Holies. This extraordinary moment makes the whole Chapel become an oven for God, illuminating the presence of Amun-Ra upon the earth on the shortest day of the year, and so it is as though the Sun God literally walks amongst us for twelve minutes once a year, before once again rising high into the Desert sky.
Please join STEWART PEARCE for the very special vigil chants and prayers to release the old year of 2020 and to welcome in the new year, with all its wonder and joy, as a token of future promise and the greatness of how we will create a year of outstanding creativity and beauty!
for the Temples have devotional prayers recorded within their sacred architecture, and your soul knows this. When we chant you will be refined by the sacred rituals, holy prayers & sonic meditations, for the Angels will inspire you into a completely new way of being for 2021!
All Flights are included from our starting location of London Heathrow Airport. Pilgrims need to get themselves to London to get the flight to Egypt and Again return from London Heathrow.
Pilgrims will be required to walk and climb during the retreat through some small gaps in some instances like the Great Pyramid. If you have any concerns please reach out to Stewart to discuss your needs and suitability
Clients are responsible for their relevant visas into Egypt.
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A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering
A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering
A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential customers, or help the visitor with a problem they may be encountering