Enchantment is a monthly workshop taking place on the nearest Sunday to the Monthly Full Moon. Please join us for an inspirational workshop to revere the presence of the Full Moon by creating a sacred space through holy chants and divine prayers. This produces transcendental love and joy shaping a network of grace with kindred spirits, whilst being caressed by Angelic love. The workshop lasts for 90 minutes and can be joined by booking below.
Ritual is quintessential for our spiritual evolution, and these ‘radiant retreats’ are designed to ritually honor the natural cycles of Mother Earth, living as she does as an organic planet co-creating with the other cosmic orbs that vitally alive in outerspace. Living in unison with these forces means we link our lives to the powerful crystalline web of love and harmony, generated by the universal consciousness in cohesion with the CENTRAL SUN, which illuminates our planetary home, offering us great teaching. Different topics of quintessence are chosen for each season, arising organically from what appears to be the core theme for each time.
Stewart has been a pilgrim in Sacred Egypt for fifty years, facilitating the magical RESURRECTION RETREAT each April and December for twenty of those years. This odyssey is a chance of a lifetime experience, when you may soak in the light of the ancient Star Temples, which illuminate our spirit-body consciousness, releasing toxins via alchemy, cleansing our four-body complex, and then we are refueled by wisdom, love, and joy. This retreat is based in Luxor on the banks of the sacred Nile, and travels southwards to renowned soul sites such as the temples of Isis & Horus, as well as northwards to the Temples of Dendera, Abydos, and the Great Pyramid – each location is activated by a profound sonic ritual – and so do check the RETREAT ITINERARY, and you will feel Egypt’s powerful magnetism drawing you to feel its story opening an ancient aspect of your soul.
These thought-provoking dialogues are ‘live’ each Monday within season, occurring at 12pm PT, 3pm ET, and 8pm UK, when Stewart holds a World Class Soul Steward in conversation about their field of specialism. Emphasis is placed on what values we need to conjure during this time of vast change, creating a new hierarchy of values, and so to evolve a brave new world, using spiritual, and moral precepts at the core of our lives, which uphold the vital verities of life which make us truly exceptional and always identify how to feel safe and secure during times of social renaissance.
Stewart holds powerful 33 Minute Meditations on high days and holy days, such as NEW YEARS, INTERNATIONAL WOMANS DAY, MAY WESAK, THE LIONS GATE PORTAL, ST MICHAELS DAY etc. and these are profound opportunities that bring us together to co-create our thought process, and so evolve as a communion of light or network of grace, opening our hearts, and harmonizing our souls in unity consciousness!
For the last three years Stewart has refined his work with the Angels of Atlantis into a series of outstanding online workshops or retreats. And we are pleased to communicate that there are now ten radiant retreats to choose from, and to purchase at a discounted rate.
Enchantment is a monthly event taking place on the closest Sunday to the full moon. Use the power of the moon to boost your month and harness the strong meditations and chanting with people from all over the world to create a network of grace!
Imagine Sonic Rituals in the sacred Temples and Tombs along the Nile, from Aswan to the Great Pyramid of Giza. For these supernal sanctuaries radiate such powerful energies, that each Chakra will be refined, sending light to every cell, and inspiring your whole being.
“The Angels of Atlantis & the Cosmic Reset”!
And there is an early-bird offer of £25 until 31st October, then the regular entrance fee of £30 will exist from 1st November onwards.
Om So Love……..Stewart