FLAVIA is known as the go-to Fairy Seer who walks the path of the Old Ways and is on a mission to awaken the significant practices of the Natural Lore. Recognized as one of the the UK’s leading elemental experts she teaches Natural & Ancient Magick, training other Fae Devotees through her professional certification courses at the College of Psychic Studies, London. In addition, Flavia is a regular presenter for the UK Mind Body Spirit Platforms. Television appearances include Celebrity Haunted Hotel, Lightworker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and guest insertions for BBC Radio. Flavia is author of 10 Oracles and 6 books, regularly gracing the pages of Spirit and Destiny Magazine, the FAE Magazine and publications associated with Witchcraft & Wicca. Her authentic and honest approach make her a much sought after Wisdom Keeper and the High Priestess of the Morrighan and Arnemetia Temples.

https://www.flaviakatepeters.com https://www.spirit-visions.co.uk