TARETH is a Modern Mystic, Grail Crystal Keeper, Spiritual Teacher and Musician, who arises from a lineage of profound integrity. As a Crystal Keeper Tareth has worked for many years aligning those we feel initiated, to receive the essence and nature of Divine composure, which essentially means to live as a Human Angel. Tareth believes that as we enter this Aquarian Age, we have a unique opportunity to truly embody Divine grace in human form. Tareth woke to the supernatural during a childhood near-death-experience, when Divine truth entered his young form, and since then he has been gifted with the ability to produce healing oil, and to work with celestial sona appearing from the great stones of remarkable Earth Energy sites such as Glastonbury Tor and Avebury Henge. His extraordinary abilities have been scientifically tested – which recorded his gift to manifest subtle forms of matter from the immaterial world of Spirit.
