Biological noise is the random interaction of atomic particles within biological tissue, caused by millions of biochemical reactions. This occurs every second within every cell, and in a healthy body the signal level greatly outweighs the noise. In this DEEP DIALOGUE John Stuart Reid describes to Host: Stewart Pearce how to achieve this with the human voice, and via music.
John is an acoustic-physics scientist with a mission to educate, inspire, and excite the world through the field of visible sound—known to the world of science as “Faraday Waves” or “Cymatics”. John’s work experience indicates that sound underpins the matter of the universe and has been recognized as a potent creative force for hundreds of years, and that sound carries the power to heal all sentient life.
John’s work reveals ground-breaking information about the mechanisms that underpin sound therapy, and how sound is a natural healer, fully supported by his five-decade career in acoustics, through which he is widely acknowledged as a global authority of ‘Cymatic Science’. John’s CymaScope invention has changed our perception of sound forever: for ‘seeing sound’ allows us to understand the power and depth of this omnipresent value within our world, and how sound affects our consciousness, and the essence of all things.