Dr. Larry Ward – “America’s Racial Karma”

The assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. changed Larry’s life, and he joined the staff of the Ecumenical Institute of Cultural Affairs in 1969. Over the next twenty-five years he lived and worked in over twenty countries, becoming an ordained minister in 1972. Larry has taught Theology, created a Management Consultancy providing Fortune 500 companies with diversity education, organizational change, executive coaching, and has lived in both cities and villages throughout the world serving local community renewal projects.Larry’s introduction to Buddhism took place in Calcutta during 1977, but it was not until Larry met Thich That Hanh in 1991 that this practice became the center of his life and service. He was ordained as a lay minister in The Plum Village Tradition in 1994 and a Dharma teacher in 2000. Larry assists Thich Nhat Hanh with peace-making missions throughout the world.www.lotusinstitute.org